Sinusitis, Sinus Infection, Chronic Sinusitis, sometimes simply called “SINUS” is a MOST COMMONLY a complication of chronic, long-term Allergic Inflammation of Sinuses, or Allergic Rhinitis.

Allergic Rhinitis is caused by allergy to Pollens, Molds, Animal Dander, Dust mite etc.. Skin Tests will help identify the allergens that is causing your sinusitis. Elimination of the allergens, if possible, can reduce the symptoms. If medications and allergen avoidance do not help, Allergy Desensitization either by Allergy Shots or by Oral Allergy Drops is then necessary to control the disease.

Allergic Sinusitis may be associated with Asthma. In such cases Asthma is very difficult to control and may become progressively worse unless sinus allergy is treated.

Treatment of Sinus / Sinusitis / Sinus Infections / Chronic Sinusitis and Sinus Allergy therefore is very important.

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